Credit for Prior Learning

Credit by Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB) Examination, and College Level Examination Program (CLEP)  

LBCC recognizes the Advanced Placement (AP) Program and College Level Examination Program of the College Board, the California State University System credit lists for Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate, the Intersegmental Committee of the Academic Senates IGETC Policy and Standards for Credit by External Exams (7.0), the California Community College General Education AP List and the International Baccalaureate Examination Program. 

Students are required to order official copies of their College Board AP and/or IB transcripts and have the transcripts sent to LBCC’s Office of Admissions and Records. Course credit is granted for Advanced Placement examinations with a score of three, four, or five in those instances in which the department concerned has determined that the material covered is comparable to a specific course offering within that department. Advanced Placement credit is granted for the fulfillment of LBCC degree requirements. However, when a student transfers to any other college or university, that institution routinely reevaluates Advanced Placement units in accordance with its own internal policies. Thus, advanced placement units are indicated as such in official records and do not transfer as LBCC courses. Specific course credit will be granted for the IB examinations in alignment with score standards of the California State University System credit lists for International Baccalaureate exams and the Intersegmental Committee of the Academic Senates IGETC Policy and Standards for Credit by External Exams (7.0).   

AP, IB, and CLEP credit for the Associate Degree for Transfer is approved through the general education certification for transfer to colleges or universities that accept Long Beach City College’s certification. 

Credit by Examination

Credit by Examination is a provision whereby a student who is enrolled in the college and is in good standing may, with departmental approval, take an examination to earn credit in a specific course. The student must have completed at least 12 semester units at LBCC and have the prior approval of the department head and school dean before being allowed to take the examination for credit. Exceptions to the 12-unit limitation must be approved by the office of the Vice President of Student Services. For courses identified in the High School Pathways Project as eligible for Credit by Examination, the 12-unit limitation does not apply. In all cases, courses eligible for Credit by Examination will be determined by the department in which each course is offered. The department shall determine how many times credit by examination is offered to an individual student per semester and how many times students are allowed to attempt to pass the exam.

  1. The department concerned also determines specific standards of student eligibility. The method of evaluation, including a copy of any written exam or a description of its contents, must be approved by the department and kept on file in the department and in the office of the school dean. For courses identified in the High School Articulation Project, a description of the contents of the examination, as developed and approved in the articulation process, must be kept on file in the department.
  2. Students who take an exam for credit will be given the grade earned. For high school articulated courses, students will be given the grade earned or receive a “credit” grade depending on the method of grading for the course; if the student does not pass the examination, no notation will be made on the transcript and no credit will be awarded.
  3. Units earned through Credit by Examination may not be counted toward the 12-unit residency requirement for the associate degree.
  4. A fee will be charged for students to take Credit by Examination. The fee will be waived for participants in the High School Pathways Project.

Credit by College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)

LBCC recognizes the CLEP examinations of the College Board under the following conditions:

  1. Students are required to order official copies of their College Board transcripts with the appropriate CLEP scores and have the transcripts sent to LBCC’s Enrollment Services Office.
  2. Specific course credit will be granted for the CLEP examinations in those instances in which the department concerned has determined that the material covered is comparable to a specific course offering within that department.
  3. In situations where comparable courses are not offered by a department, CLEP scores may be applied toward General Education or elective unit requirements.
  4. CLEP credit is granted for the fulfillment of LBCC degree requirements. However, when a student transfers to any other college or university, that institution routinely reevaluates CLEP units in accordance with its own internal policies for CLEP. Thus, CLEP units are indicated as such in official records and do not transfer as LBCC courses.
  5. CLEP credit for an Associate Degree for Transfer is approved through the General Education certification for transfer to colleges or universities that accept LBCC’s certification.

A full version of the Procedure can be viewed at

Credit for Work Experience Education

LBCC recognizes job experience as a valuable learning resource. Work experience education aims to provide students with an integrated instructional program that provides opportunities to connect academic curricula to applied experiential learning in the workplace.

To earn Work Experience credit, students must successfully fulfill measurable learning objectives prior to the completion of the semester. The process of establishing these learning objectives for the student employee involves the employer directly. The work experience instructor visits each job site to validate the learning environment and working conditions and to ensure good communication between the employer and the college.

Students must be enrolled in a Career and Technical Education program offered at the college and have met one of the following two requirements:

  1. Completed at least one-third of the units required for the program.
  2. Completed or be concurrently enrolled in a course in the same program.

Students must also participate in on‐the‐job learning experiences that contribute to occupational or educational goals and have the approval of the professor.

International students who wish to enroll in Work Experience education must receive a release from the International Student Office prior to enrolling in work experience. The office is located at the Liberal Arts Campus, Building A, 562-938-4745.

Work Experience education units meet eligibility requirements for veteran’s benefits, social security, and financial aid. Work Experience operates without regard to race, age, sex, religion, skin color, national origin, handicap, sexual orientation, marital status, ancestry, medical conditions such as cancer related illness, or status as a veteran. Additional information on the program and enrollment is available at the Academic Services Office located on the Liberal Arts Campus.

Credit for Educational Experience in Military Service

LBCC presently requires three units in a combination of physical education and health education classes for its associate degree. Veterans may be granted these three units of credit toward graduation if they served on active duty for at least 12 continuous months. A student who wishes to receive these credits must have a copy of their DD-214 and file number from the Veterans’ Administration to request such credit. Please contact the Veterans Affairs Office at LAC in building A for additional assistance.

If a veteran feels their military schooling provided sufficient knowledge in a particular subject area and this credit is needed for graduation or advanced placement, he or she should refer to the section of this catalog on credit by examination. Each department head handles the particular subjects under their department. Not all departments allow credit by examination, so students should check the eligibility requirements carefully and then contact the department head involved to make the necessary arrangements for an exam, if one is permissible.

Students may demonstrate proficiency in a course eligible for Credit for Prior Learning and receive college credit through the approved alternative methods for awarding credit, including: evaluation of Joint Services Transcripts (JST), achievement of an examination administered by other agencies approved by the District, evaluation of industry-recognized credential documentation and evaluation of student-created portfolios. 

In order to be eligible for Credit for Prior Learning a student must: 

  1. Be in good standing with the District, 
  2. Previously earned credit or noncredit from the Long Beach Community College District, or 
  3. Be currently registered in the District, and 
  4. The student is not currently enrolled in the course to be challenged. 

Current students must have an educational plan on file. The eligible course must be listed in the Long Beach City College Catalog. Credits acquired by prior learning are not applicable to meeting unit load requirements for Selective Service deferment, Veterans, Financial Aid, or Social Security benefits.