Enrollment Priorities

Enrollment Priorities and the California College Promise Grant (formerly the Board of Governors Fee Waiver or BOGW)

The purpose of establishing enrollment priorities is to support students endeavoring to reach their educational goals by providing priority enrollment to groups of students with special needs or who are in continuing student status, if satisfactory academic progress is maintained.

Beginning in Fall 2018, the California College Promise Grant (formerly BOGW), will require satisfactory academic progress. All grades will be used to determine eligibility. Any combination of two consecutive fall and spring semesters of cumulative GPA below 2.0 or cumulative course completion of less than 50% may result in loss of the California College Promise Grant.

Priority and Enrollment Criteria and Conditions

All new and returning students not otherwise exempt, including those in any state-provided priority enrollment groups, must complete assessment and orientation and have an Electronic Student Educational Plan in order to receive a priority enrollment.

Students, including those in any state-provided priority enrollment groups except eligible current and former foster youth, are subject to loss of enrollment priority and loss of the California College Promise Grant if they are on any combination of progress or academic probation for two consecutive semesters.

Students, including those in any state-provided priority enrollment groups except eligible current and former foster youth, are subject to loss of enrollment priority for which they would ordinarily be eligible if they have earned 100 degree-applicable units.

Appeal for Enrollment Priority and Loss of California College Promise Grant (formerly BOGW)

Students may submit an appeal for loss of enrollment priority and loss of the California College Promise Grant to Enrollment Services at either campus. Appeal forms can be picked up in the Enrollment Services Offices or at www.lbcc.edu/admissions-and-records-forms.