Nutrition & Dietetics (NUTR)

NUTR 20  (C-ID NUTR 110)         3 units  
Nutrition and Life  
54 hours lecture  
Grading: letter grade or pass/no pass.  

Formerly F_N 20. This course is an introduction to the fundamental physiological, anatomical, psychological, social, and biochemical principles related to human nutrition. It will also include a study of the human diet in the context of disease prevention, world food supply, and ecological factors.

Transferable to both UC and CSU; see counselor for limitations  
NUTR 21  (C-ID NUTR 120)         4 units  
Food Selection and Meal Preparation  
54 hours lecture, 54 hours laboratory  
Grading: letter grade or pass/no pass.  

Formerly F_N 21. This course introduces the knowledge and skills related to food selection and preparation, food product standards and factors contributing to the quality of prepared food.

Transferable to CSU Only  
NUTR 24        3 units  
Sanitation, Safety and Equipment  
54 hours lecture  
Grading: letter grade or pass/no pass.  

Formerly NUTR 224 and F_N 224. This course covers the application of basic safety and sanitation principles for a food service operation, the criteria used to evaluate equipment design and how to write equipment specifications. Students will be prepared to take the ServSafe Food Protection Management Certification Examination upon completion of the course. This certificate is required for those working in the food service and healthcare industries and meets the California State Health Code.

Transferable to CSU Only  
NUTR 25        3 units  
Intro to Food Service/Work Organizations  
54 hours lecture  
Grading: letter grade or pass/no pass.  

Formerly NUTR 225 and F_N 225. This course covers the scope, organization, management and administration of a food service system operating within a health care, community or school feeding program. Topics include facility layout and design, motion economy, task analysis and method improvement, and the education and experience necessary for employment.

Transferable to CSU Only  
NUTR 26        1 units  
Sports Nutrition  
18 hours lecture  
Grading: letter grade or pass/no pass.  

Formerly F_N 26. This course is designed to assist the athlete and those who are physically active in examining his or her special nutritional needs based upon current research. Topics that are emphasized in the course include the nutritional needs of the athlete versus the non-athlete, improving athletic performance through nutrition and how to evaluate athletic diets such as high protein diets, carbohydrate loading and pre-game meals.

Transferable to CSU Only  
NUTR 28        3 units  
Food Production Management  
54 hours lecture  
Grading: letter grade or pass/no pass.  

Formerly NUTR 228 and F_N 228. This course introduces management techniques related to food service operations. Menu planning, production scheduling, equipment utilization, staffing and service systems are presented in this course. Students are required to participate in 3 additional hours at the Multidisciplinary Success Center in a review of basic math concepts required for the course.

Transferable to CSU Only  
NUTR 31        3 units  
Menu Planning and Food Purchasing  
54 hours lecture  
Grading: letter grade.  

Formerly NUTR 231 and F_N 231. This course covers the planning and design of health care institutional menus. Topics include: nutritional adequacy, psychological needs, types of operation, equipment and skill of personnel. Purchasing and costing of food, analysis of food quality, writing specifications, ordering, receiving and storing of food and supplies are also covered.

Transferable to CSU Only  
NUTR 32        3 units  
Therapeutic Diets  
54 hours lecture  
Recommended Preparation: NUTR 20.  
Grading: letter grade.  

Formerly NUTR 232 and F_N 232. This course presents the principles of and indication for therapeutic diets in the treatment of diseases and disorders. Course content applies to dietetics programs in hospitals, convalescent and extended care facilities.

Transferable to CSU Only  
NUTR 34        3 units  
Advanced Nutrition Care  
54 hours lecture  
Recommended Preparation: NUTR 32.  
Grading: letter grade or pass/no pass.  

Formerly NUTR 234 and F_N 234. This course presents nutrition education principles and techniques for the individual, family and small groups in normal, modified and preventive nutrition care throughout the lifecycle. Computer applications and cultural implications will be covered in this course.

Transferable to CSU Only  
NUTR 35        3 units  
Advanced Medical Nutrition Therapy  
54 hours lecture  
Recommended Preparation: NUTR 32.  
Grading: letter grade.  

Formerly NUTR 235 and F_N 235. This course presents an advanced study of medical nutrition therapy with applications in diet counseling, menu modification, communication, documentation, education and appropriate food service delivery.

Transferable to CSU Only  
NUTR 227        3 units  
Supervision and Training Techniques  
54 hours lecture  
Grading: letter grade or pass/no pass.  

Formerly F_N 227. This course trains students for supervisory positions in food service operations related to health care facilities. Emphasis will include staff selection, training, presentation techniques, communication and staff development.

NUTR 230A        2.5 units  
Clinical Field Experience I  
18 hours lecture, 90 hours laboratory  
Grading: pass/no pass.  

Formerly F_N 230A, F_N 230AC and F_N 230. This course provides supervised clinical field experience in health care facilities for dietetic service supervisor and nutrition assistant program students. Students learn and practice the skills necessary to coordinate a health care food service facility.

NUTR 230B        2.5 units  
Clinical Field Experience I  
18 hours lecture, 90 hours laboratory  
Recommended Preparation: NUTR 230A.  
Grading: pass/no pass.  

Formerly F_N 230B and F_N 230AC. This course provides supervised clinical field experience in health care facilities for dietetic service supervisor and nutrition assistant program students. Students learn and practice the skills necessary to coordinate a health care food service facility.

NUTR 233        1 units  
Special Topics in Health Care Dietetics  
18 hours lecture  
Grading: letter grade or pass/no pass.  

Formerly F_N 233. This course covers a variety of topics of interest to professionals in the field of health care dietetics/food and nutrition as well as nutrition/dietetics students. The latest developments and trends in the field will be addressed, such as medical nutrition therapies, nutrition care, and new products and resources. Course subject matter varies by semester; see the schedule of classes.

NUTR 236        1 units  
Careers in Nutrition and Dietetics  
18 hours lecture  
Grading: letter grade or pass/no pass.  

Formerly F_N 236. This course serves as an introduction to the development of professionalism and a team concept in the nutrition and dietetic health care system. The course examines financing, planning and regulating health care services related to dietetics, as well as the standards of professional responsibility and the code of ethics for the profession of nutrition and dietetics.

NUTR 240A        3 units  
Clinical Field Experience II  
180 hours laboratory  
Recommended Preparation: NUTR 230B.  
Grading: pass/no pass.  

Formerly F_N 240A, F_N 240AC and F_N 240. This course provides supervised clinical experience in health care facilities for students in the Nutrition Assistant Program. Students will learn and practice skills necessary to provide nutritional care services to clients in health care settings.

NUTR 240B        3 units  
Clinical Field Experience II  
180 hours laboratory  
Recommended Preparation: NUTR 240A.  
Grading: pass/no pass.  

Formerly F_N 240B and F_N 240AC. This course provides supervised clinical experience in health care facilities for students in the Nutrition Assistant Program. Students will learn and practice skills necessary to provide nutritional care services to clients in health care settings.

NUTR 250        2 units  
Nutrition in Healthy Cooking  
36 hours lecture  
Grading: letter grade or pass/no pass.  

Formerly F_N 250. This course provides a practical approach to the application of sound nutritional practices in the food service setting. Nutrition and Dietetics students, Culinary arts students and professionals will be able to incorporate healthful nutrition knowledge in their personal and professional lives. This course includes nutrition as it relates to health throughout the life cycle, menu/recipe design and modification, food product selection, and current trends in consumer preference.

NUTR 251        1.5 units  
Cake Decorating Techniques  
18 hours lecture, 36 hours laboratory  
Grading: letter grade or pass/no pass.  

Formerly F_N 252A and F_N 252AD. Topics in this course include cake decorating techniques, recipes, tools and skill development. A variety of icings, designs, and shaping techniques will be covered. This course is an elective for the Dietetic's program certificates.

NUTR 252        1.5 units  
Cake Decorating for Special Occasions  
18 hours lecture, 36 hours laboratory  
Grading: letter grade.  

Formerly F_N 252B. Topics in this course covers cake decorating techniques for special occasions. Included will be creating cakes with special effects, candy molds, novelties, international styles, delivery, set up techniques and business practices.

NUTR 253        1 units  
ServSafe Certification Exam Prep  
18 hours lecture  
Grading: letter grade or pass/no pass.  

Formerly F_N 253. This course will address the required standards of sanitation and safety in the handling, preparation, and serving of food to protect the public's health. Students will be prepared to take the ServSafe Food Protection Manager Certification Examination at the conclusion of the course. This Certificate required for those working in a food service and healthcare industries and meets the California State Health Code.

NUTR 254        1 units  
Nutrition for Adults and Aging  
18 hours lecture  
Grading: letter grade or pass/no pass.  

Formerly F_N 255C. This course provides the most recent information in the specific area of nutrition. Facts and fallacies and life cycle nutrition focusing on seniors are emphasized.

NUTR 255        1 units  
Vegetarian Lifestyle  
18 hours lecture  
Grading: letter grade or pass/no pass.  

Formerly F_N 225D. This course provides the knowledge to plan and practice a vegetarian lifestyle and maintain optimum nutrition. Topics will include the benefits and cautions of the vegetarian diet, variations of the diet and how to combine non-meat proteins.

NUTR 256        2 units  
Nutrition and Healthy Weight  
36 hours lecture  
Grading: letter grade or pass/no pass.  

Formerly F_N 256. This course presents techniques of long-term weight control. The following areas are addressed in this course: assessment of ideal body weight, techniques of diet/behavior modification, emotional eating triggers, and principles of energy balance through the modification of diet.

NUTR 260        1 units  
Cooking Cultural Foods  
18 hours lecture, 18 hours laboratory  
Grading: letter grade or pass/no pass.  

Formerly F_N 260 and F_N 260AD. This course explores the origins of foods, customs, nutrition and preparation methods common to a variety of cultures. Food patterns and relationship to social customs and rituals are covered in addition to the nutrition assessment and the effects of changes of food habits. This course is an elective for the Dietetic's program certificates.

NUTR 261        1 units  
Cooking for Wellness  
18 hours lecture, 18 hours laboratory  
Grading: letter grade or pass/no pass.  

Formerly F_N 261 and F_N 261AD. This course provides the knowledge and skills required to plan, prepare and serve nutritious, varied, palatable, attractive meals within the limitations of time, energy, equipment and budget. This course is an elective for the Dietetic's program certificates.

NUTR 262        1 units  
Cooking for Singles  
18 hours lecture, 18 hours laboratory  
Grading: letter grade or pass/no pass.  

Formerly F_N 262 and F_N 262AD. This course is designed to teach meal planning and food preparation for the single person. This course will emphasize the preparation of nutritious, convenient, economical and attractive meals.

NUTR 601        0 units  
CDM Board Exam Preparation 1  
18 hours lecture  
Grading: non graded.  

The NUTR 601 provides students with information, resources, and insights to facilitate their preparation for the national credentialing examination for dietary managers in health care institutions. The CDM Board Exam is based on the five competency areas included Nutrition, Foodservice Management, Personnel and Communications, Sanitation and Food Safety, and Business Operations. The NUTR 601 course is designed based on two of the competency areas including in the Certified Dietary Manager (CDM) Board Exam. The NUTR 601 course will cover the Nutrition component and Foodservice Management component of the CDM Board Exam.

NUTR 602        0 units  
CDM Board Exam Preparation 2  
18 hours lecture  
Grading: non graded.  

The NUTR 602 provides students with information, resources, and insights to facilitate their preparation for the national credentialing examination for Certified Dietary Managers (CDM) in health care institutions. The CDM Board exam topics cover the five competency areas including, Nutrition, Foodservice Management, Personnel, and Communications, Sanitation, and Food Safety and Business Operations. The NUTR 602 course is designed based on three of the competency areas. The NUTR 602 course will cover Personnel and Communications, Sanitation and Food Safety, and Business Operations component of the CDM Board Exam.

NUTR 610        0 units  
Breastfeeding and Nutrition Stage 1  
18 hours lecture  
Grading: non graded.  

This course is designed to teach the basic concept of breastfeeding, the importance of nutrition for new moms, and the impact breastfeeding has on public health and the workplace.

NUTR 611        0 units  
Breastfeeding and Nutrition Stage II  
18 hours lecture  
Grading: non graded.  

This course is designed to teach practical nutrition skills for breastfeeding moms and the cultural impact of breastfeeding. In addition, it will provide general information on the FLSA's protections for nursing employees, as extended by the Urgent Maternal Protections for Nursing Mothers Act (Pump Act).

NUTR 653        0 units  
ServSafe Certification Exam Prep  
18 hours lecture  
Grading: non graded.  

This course will address the required standards of sanitation and safety in the handling, preparation, and serving of food to protect the public's health. Students will be prepared to take the ServSafe Food Protection Manager Certification Examination at the conclusion of the course. This Certificate required for those working in a food service and healthcare industries and meets the California State Health Code.