Course Numbering System
Curriculum Offerings
The courses listed in this catalog may not be offered every term or every year. Check the Schedule of Classes for current term offerings. The college reserves the right to determine which of the courses listed in the catalog are to be offered in each semester. Changes in curriculum or course content may occur after the printing of this catalog.
Course numbers relate to the design of the class and applicability to degree and transfer programs.
Number | Description |
1-599 | Applicable to associate degree. |
1-99 | Transferable for at least elective credit to any college having similar courses in its lower-division curriculum. |
100-199 | Courses not intended for transfer but may meet a limited number of requirements for the A.A./A.S. Degrees. |
200-299 | Occupational courses intended to prepare students for immediate job entry. |
300-399 | Short term or short unit courses which parallel other 1-400 level courses. |
400-499 | Continuing education courses in occupational fields. |
500-599 | Vocational courses for apprentices. |
600-699 | Self-enrichment or basic skills courses which do not carry credit and for which no grade is awarded. |
800-899 | Courses in basic skills which have credit value that is not applicable to transfer or an associate degree. |
Students should see a counselor if they have questions about course credit applicability.