Academic Renewal

The purpose of academic renewal is to disregard a portion of a student’s prior substandard academic work. Students wishing to disregard prior work must complete the Academic Renewal Petition and submit it to the Enrollment Services office. Academic renewal is subject to the following conditions:

  • A student must have completed a minimum of 12 units of lower division credit coursework at a regionally accredited college/university with at least a 2.0 grade point average after the selected coursework to be disregarded.
  • At least one term/semester must have elapsed since the substandard credit coursework was recorded.
  • A student may request that up to 30 units of substandard credit coursework be annotated and disregarded in the computation of the student’s cumulative grade point average or requirements for degree. Only those requested courses with substandard credit grades (D or F) will be disregarded.
  • All coursework, including substandard coursework, shall remain on the official record. The transcript shall be appropriately annotated to indicate that academic renewal has been applied. Academic renewal actions are irreversible.  When academic renewal procedures permit previously recorded substandard coursework to be disregarded in the computation of a student’s grade point average, the student’s permanent academic record should contain an accurate record of all coursework to ensure a complete academic history.
  • A student may be granted Academic Renewal without course repetition multiple times by the College for up to 30 units maximum. Once granted, academic renewal is irreversible.
  • Academic Renewal by LBCC does not guarantee that other institutions will honor this action. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the transfer institution will approve of Academic Renewal from LBCC.
  • Once a certificate or degree is posted on the official transcript at LBCC, Academic Renewal will not be available.
  • Academic renewal procedures may not conflict with the District’s obligation to retain and destroy records or with the instructor’s ability to determine a student’s final grade. 

Academic and Progress Probation

A student shall be placed on probation whenever the student’s academic record indicates any of the following conditions:

Academic probation: A student who has attempted at least 12 semester units as shown by the official academic record shall be placed on academic probation if the student has earned a grade point average below 2.0 in all units which were graded on the basis of the grading system described in Title 5 section 55023.

Progress probation:  A student who has enrolled in a total of at least 12 semester units as shown by the official academic record shall be placed on progress probation when the student receives symbols of “W,” “I,” or “NP” (as defined in Title 5 sections 55023 and 55030) in fifty percent (50 percent) or more of all units in which a student has enrolled.

For the purposes of the above, the entries of W, NP, and I are counted as non-complete of a course while entries of A, B, C, D, F, and P are counted as complete (listed as “Earned” on the transcript).

A student on academic and/or progress probation shall receive targeted intervention which may include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Completion of an individual counseling appointment;
  • Completion or revision of an Educational Plan;
  • Limitation of enrollment to a maximum of 12 units each semester until the student is off probation; and
  • Participation in academic and/or student support services.

A student on academic probation for a grade point deficiency shall be removed from probation when the student’s accumulated grade point average is 2.0 or higher.

A student on probation because of an excess of units for which entries of “W,” “I,” and “NP” (as defined in Title 5 section 55023 and 55030) are recorded shall be removed from probation when the percentage of units in this category drops below fifty percent (50%).

A student who is on progress probation and earns a semester completion ratio of .75 for 12 units and above or .50 for 11.5 units and below, shall not be dismissed as long as the minimum semester completion ratio requirement is maintained.

At the end of the second semester on which the student is on academic or progress probation, a notice that the student is subject to dismissal will be sent to the student informing him/her/them that he/she/they is subject to dismissal. 

Any student on probation shall be reclassified as “satisfactory” whenever the cumulative GPA reaches or exceeds 2.0 and the ratio of units completed to units enrolled is one-half or better based on the number of units indicated above.

Academic and Progress Dismissal

A student who is on academic probation shall be subject to dismissal if the student earned a cumulative grade point average of less than 2.0 in all units attempted in each of 3 consecutive semesters which were graded on the basis of the grading system described in section 55023.  A student who has been placed on progress probation shall be subject to dismissal if the percentage of units in which the student has been enrolled for which entries of “W,” “I,” and “NP” are recorded in at least 3 consecutive semesters reaches or exceeds fifty percent (50%) for 12 units or in accordance with Title 5 section 55031.  

Dismissal Letter

The letter notifying the student that he/she/they are being dismissed will cover, at a minimum, reference to this procedure, an explanation of what dismissal means, procedure for reinstatement, and procedure to appeal the dismissal.

Appeal of Dismissal 

The student has the right to appeal their dismissal status if the student feels that facts exist that warrant an exception to the dismissal action.  The student must file the written petition of appeal with the Admissions and Records office after the dismissal letter was mailed or emailed.  It is the student's responsibility to indicate on the petition a clear statement of the grounds on which continued enrollment should be granted and to provide evidence supporting the reasons.  Petitions will be reviewed by the Readmission Committee. 

Standards for Evaluating Appeals 

Dismissal appeals may be granted if the student participates in Academic and Student Support services designed to assist him/her/them in improving academic skills, receiving academic counseling, and/or limiting course load. 

Readmission After Dismissal

In considering whether or not students may be re-admitted after dismissal and one-semester absence, the following criteria should be considered:

  • Documented extenuating circumstances (considered during appeal);
  • Demonstration of completing courses with a “C” or better, and/or without a W, NP, or I;
  • Semesters on which academic performance was atypical of other semesters.